
Wednesday 9 August 2017


Netball is a sport that was played in the olden days, everyone enjoys playing this sport.  Playing this sport in the olden days it was not called netball it used to be called Women’s Basketball,also it was made in America but they changed it to almost like all the countries. Netball is for Males and females because it is fun. In 1890 it began in America. In 1895 is where the name changed. Children enjoy playing netball but I don’t play it but I think it is fun to play the sport and it won’t be that tiring. I think girls would be better because it used to be called Women’s basketball but it is just a game. Netball has no backboards now. It will be fun to train but intense while you are at a tournament. You have to focus on shooting because there is no backboards to hit it back.

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