
Monday, 29 June 2020

Matariki Day 2020

Last week, on Friday our whole school, and probably the rest of the Manaiakalani community had our Matariki day. We had to celebrate it early because the real Matariki day is during the school holidays.
When I arrived at school, I was wondering what group I was in. As I walked in the class, I asked my teacher Ms. Tapuke. She told me that I was in arts and crafts, which really bothered me because I wanted to be in cooking. I chose arts and crafts last yet I still got in arts and crafts. It bugged me until the school assembly.

After our team assembly, we had to go to a school assembly which is held by Mr. Burt. In our assembly, we had a choir singing a waiata. The waiata is called Matariki. When the choir sang the waiata, they sounded amazing! I wish everyone would have come, they would have been VERY surprised. The rest assembly was pretty normal, it’s basically a normal school assembly.

After the school assembly, we had to go to our home classes. We had to get our bags from our class and have a little talk. I forgot what Ms. Tapuke even said, but I remember sitting down! After that talk, we then had to go to our group. My group was literally right in front of my class. I was actually pretty happy because I figured out that I was in a group with 3 of my closest friends. Their names are Pauline, Jane and Nina! This got me very excited.

Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Carrathers told us what we were going to do for the day. They said we were gonna make the seven stars, aka the seven sisters. We first had to decorate our stars. We had to make some kind of pattern. Then after we were done decorating the seven stars, we had to paint our background for our stars. We finished painting it just in time, like 5 minutes before lunch.

Then we had to let it dry during lunch. After lunch, we had to glue the seven stars on our background. But sadly my background was kind of wet so the stars didn’t stick well. Then we had one last assembly until we went home with our masterpieces.

This is what happened on Matariki day! Overall it was actually pretty fun!
Task description.
Ms. Tapuke told us to write about Matariki day. We had to explain what happened on Matariki day. We have to tell our readers what we did. We also had to write about our experience, whether if it was good or not. After we were done writing our paragraphs, we then have to share it on our blog.

Labels: 2020, Simon PES, Ms. Tapuke, Matariki Day, Writing 2020, Point England School.

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