
Thursday 3 May 2018

Immersion Assembly

the first day of term 2 we went to the Immersion Assembly!We saw our teachers creation.First up it was team 1.They were driving in a car and flew like they were going to space! And then they stopped on the road and then they nearly broke there car,But the driver was a very skilled one..They were trying to pull the big enormous rock.It is like a evolved tiny rock.They pulled and pulled but it did not work.So they looked in google and they found a video.They needed like a ramp but it is a lever,One of the teachers jumped on the leaver but she was too like.So they did it all together.And they are learning how to move things with different objects.Now it was team 2. Team 2 is learning things with wheels.They were distracting a busy teacher in there act.And they distracted the teacher by being silly and like using things in school that your not supposed to use. It was so cool!Even the ending.

Now it was Team 3!The teachers in team 3 went to the playground and did Amazing stuffs that I never saw anyone do yet!Like dancing and lots of playful things.They kept doing the playful things and in the swings,One of the teachers did a very cool stunt! It was so cool especially in slowmo.And the song was like lots of songs I know.But I don’t know “all” off them.And then finally it was our one! Our teachers put a cool video on there. It was really satisfying.And then after the really satisfying video with cooler stunts , Our teacher was talking and talking and figuring what to do.And then they went on the stage with firefighter clothes and showing us what we're gonna do.And were going to learn how to move things with other objects,And the teachers brang a plane with like a teddy bear on there,Well that’s what I’m guessing.And they’re gonna see if it can fly and showing what can make it fly.Like the wings and the flag makes it land smoothly.And they pushed like champion boxer. And then it did not fly. If it did fly.It would be very satisflying.Like the plane making wind to cool us. And that is it for our team!

And lastly Team 5 did tug of war.The Amazing strong people they were like the champions! And they were facing against the sissy sis team!Well that’s how I guessed it.And the first game started and they kept pulling and pulling but the sissy sis won! And then they got gloves,The champions chose the soft gloves,And the sissy sis chose the doctor gloves. And they pulled and pulled and the champions won!And then the sissy sis decided to use dish soap! To make them stronger.So another game later and then the sissy sis lost because there hands like slipped off the rope!

My favourite Item might be My team.THe video is cool.ANd they tried flying a plane!It is really cool. Just like I said “satisfying”. The stunts were awesome. Like they are dropping in the water and everyone gets splashed!And I just like how they tried to make they’re own plane fly.

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