
Monday, 2 December 2019

My Pepeha (SLJ 2019)

Task Description.
Today, I made my Pepeha, this was really challenging because I didn't know anything about myself. But then, I got help from my friend Tahiliyah and I finished it!  And posted it on my blog!

Description about SLJ:
Summer Learning Journey is a programme basically about blog posting. The theme was something aspiring people, so basically it's history. This activity was inspired by Taika Waititi. There are lots of different activities inspired by other people. For example, my last post, which was about Lorde.

Labels: SLJ 2019, Summer Learning Journey, 2019


  1. Nice Simon! Check out my one in my blog & also planning to see more of the SLJ activities. Keep it up

  2. Kia Ora Simon, I hope you are having a good day!

    My name is Eliza and I’m working as a blog commenter on the Summer Learning Journey this summer. Have you done the Summer Learning Journey before? I’m looking forward to reading the blog posts over the next few weeks! If you want to know more about me, you can check out my blog.

    I can see you’ve done some incredible posts for the SLJ activities already - ka pai! I especially liked reading your pepeha because It’s a really special thing to read to get to know someone and their background a little better. Thanks for sharing it. I like how you’ve added your family name in. If you were to do it again, would you add anything else?

    Next time, it would be good to do both the Maori and English versions, so that it is clear for the viewer of your blog in case they don’t speak Maori :)

    I did my pepeha a few months ago and I enjoyed doing it as It made me think about my family, my home, and my background, although I am still trying to learn it off by heart! Here it is:

    Ko Mount Iron te maunga
    (Mount Iron is my mountain)

    Ko Cheltenham te awa
    (Cheltenham is my river/water)

    Ko University of Auckland tōku kura
    (University of Auckland is my school)

    Nō Tāmaki Makaurau ahau
    (Auckland is my town/city/country)

    Ko Eliza tōku ingoa
    (Eliza is my first name)

    Thank you for making a fantastic pepeha! I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you will keep blogging with us over the summer. On the 16th of December (next Monday) you can start the Week 1 activities.

    Thanks for your awesome post and keep up the great mahi!

    Eliza :)
